



I'm Suhas, I have completed B.E in Electronics and Communication. Passionate about implementing and launching new projects. I'm more of a self learner who loves to learn from internet apart from classroom. Ever since I started using Linux in my first year of college, I’m exploring its nuts and bolts. Open source Enthusiast and passionate about coding.
I'm an artist who has also worked as a commission artist. Super positive and I always look forward for new adventures around Tech.


Python Java CSS HTML
OpenCV Git


Sign To Speech Converter:

A Deep learning based Sign to Speech converter that converters gestures of Indian Sign Language to Speech and Text. The converter uses CNN architecture. The model is trained with custom dataset.


A Spring-boot based web app that allows users to fetch details about any location with just a zip code. Thymeleaf template is used for frotn-end rendering.

Snake game:

A simple computer snake game which uses arrow keys for controlling the snake movement. If the snake hits the wall then the game is over.

Text to Speech Converter:

A text-to-speech Converter that uses gTTS engine which has very natural sounding voices. Python language has been used. Python allows us to write a neat and simple code to complete the work. Here the user needs to be connected to the internet while running the .py file.

Face Detection:

A Face Detector that detects a human face from frames captured from live webcam. The project uses OpenCV haar cascades for its operation.

More projects


eYantra certificate
time management certificate

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